
Hair Transplant Before & After: What to Expect From Pre-Op to Recovery

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Considering a hair transplant to achieve a thicker, fuller head of hair? It's a significant decision, and understanding what to expect throughout the process is crucial. This guide will take you through everything you need to know, from essential pre-operative precautions to navigating the recovery period.

By preparing your body and mind for the hair transplant journey, you can optimize your results and ensure a smooth experience. Let's delve into the key steps you should take before and after your procedure.


Pre-Operative Precautions: Preparing for a Successful Hair Transplant

A successful hair transplant depends not only on the surgeon's expertise but also on your commitment to proper preparation. Here's what you need to prioritize leading up to your surgery:

Dietary and Lifestyle Adjustments:

  • Limiting Alcohol, smoking and Stimulants:

    • Avoiding Alcohol
    • Not Smoking
    • Coffee and Stimulants

Should I avoid alcohol before hair transplant surgery?

Yes, abstaining from alcohol consumption for at least one week before the operation is recommended. Alcohol can thin your blood and potentially lead to increased bleeding during surgery.

Can smoking affect hair transplant results?

Yes, you should stop smoking at least one day before the procedure. Smoking restricts blood flow, hindering healing and potentially affecting graft survival.

How long before hair transplant should I stop coffee?

Refrain from coffee and other stimulants like energy drinks for at least four days before the transplant. These can interfere with anesthesia and increase blood pressure.


  • Medication Management:

    • Blood Thinners

    • Existing Medical Conditions

What medications should I stop before hair transplant?

It's crucial to discuss all medications you're currently taking with your doctor before a hair transplant. However, some medications commonly advised to stop a week before surgery include blood thinners like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Vitamin E supplements. These medications can increase bleeding during the procedure.


  • Pre-Surgery Day Considerations:

    • Hair and Scalp Care

    • Clothing Choice

What should I do with my hair the day before a hair transplant?

Wash your hair with shampoo as instructed by your doctor, typically avoiding any styling products like conditioner, gel, or mousse. This ensures a clean scalp for the procedure.

What to wear to hair transplant surgery?

Opt for a comfortable, button-down shirt or a loose outfit with a zipper closure that you can easily remove without disturbing the transplanted area on your head.


Everything you need to know after a hair transplant


First Night After Hair Transplant: Prioritizing Rest and Recovery

Your first night following a hair transplant is crucial for optimal healing. Here's what to expect and how to ensure a comfortable recovery:

  • Minor Irritation: The transplanted and donor areas may appear irritated due to the procedure. This is completely normal and should subside within a few days. You might see small scabs or crusting, which are part of the healing process.
  • Minimal Pain: Pain is uncommon after hair transplant surgery. However, if you experience mild discomfort, over-the-counter pain relievers can be used as directed by your doctor.
  • Minimize Touching: Avoid touching or rubbing the transplanted or donor areas on the first night. This can disrupt the delicate grafts and hinder healing.
  • Head Protection: When venturing outside, wear the provided hat or headband to protect the transplanted area from the sun and potential dust or debris.
  • Elevated Sleeping Position: To prevent friction against the grafts while you sleep, prop yourself up with 3-4 pillows. This elevated position will reduce the risk of disturbing the transplanted hair follicles.

  • Alcohol Abstinence: Avoid alcohol consumption on the first night after surgery. Alcohol can interact with any medications prescribed or administered during the procedure, potentially causing complications or hindering healing.

First Day After Hair Transplant: Hair Washing and Reduced Redness

The first full day post-surgery marks the beginning of gentle hair care and a noticeable improvement in appearance. Here's what you can expect:

  • Post-Operative Hair Washing: All hair transplant clinics typically provide a post-operative hair wash on the first day at their facility, following your doctor's approval. This initial cleansing removes any residue and promotes healing.

  • Specialized Shampoo: Your doctor will provide you with a special shampoo specifically formulated for use after hair transplant surgery. This gentle formula will cleanse the scalp without irritating the transplanted areas. You will receive detailed instructions on how to use the shampoo effectively for the next 4-5 days.
  • Fading Redness: The redness or pink discoloration in both the donor and recipient areas (where the hair follicles were harvested and implanted) is expected to start fading gradually during this time. By the end of the first week, these temporary effects should significantly diminish.
  • Hair Washing Instructions: During your first appointment, a healthcare professional will provide clear instructions on the proper hair-washing technique to minimize disruption to the transplanted hair follicles. You typically won't need to wash your hair again until instructed by your doctor, which might be the second day onwards.
  • Doctor's Approval for Continued Washing: Following your doctor's approval, you can resume washing your hair on the second day (or as advised) using the specific technique you'll be taught. Remember to follow your doctor's instructions diligently for optimal healing.

While the first washing typically happens at the clinic, the doctor's approval is crucial before continuing your hair-washing routine at home.


Days 2-4 After Hair Transplant: Managing Swelling and Promoting Healing

Days 2-4 post-surgery involve managing potential swelling and diligently following aftercare instructions to optimize healing. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Lingering Discomfort: Slight sensitivity, pink coloration, and even scabbing in both the donor and recipient areas are common during the first week. These temporary side effects will gradually subside.
  • Facial Swelling: Swelling may begin around your forehead and eyes on the second or third day, potentially reaching its peak by day four. This swelling is temporary and will naturally subside within a few days. Don't be alarmed by this occurrence.
  • Swelling Reduction Medication: Your doctor may prescribe medications to minimize swelling during the first few days. Take these medications exactly as prescribed for optimal results.
  • Minimize Touching: It's crucial to avoid touching the transplanted area during this time. Even unintentional contact can disrupt the delicate grafts as they settle into their new location. We highly recommend providing the utmost protection for the transplanted area.

  • Sun Protection: Limit prolonged sun exposure. Sunburn can negatively impact skin pigmentation and potentially damage the transplanted hair follicles. Wear a hat or protective cap whenever outdoors.
  • Elevated Sleeping Position: Continue sleeping with your upper body elevated to reduce swelling in your forehead. This elevated position will help minimize pressure on the transplanted area.
  • Gradual Return to Exercise: Consult your doctor regarding resuming your exercise routine. Strenuous activity should be avoided initially. Follow your doctor's specific recommendations for a safe return to exercise.
  • Avoid Rubbing Forehead: Refrain from wiping or rubbing your forehead for the first four days. This action can dislodge the transplanted grafts.

By following these guidelines and prioritizing gentle care, you'll contribute to a smooth healing process during days 2-4 after your hair transplant. Remember, communication with your doctor is key. Don't hesitate to ask questions or voice any concerns you may have.


Days 5-7 After Hair Transplant: Increased Care and Gradual Return to Normal life

Days 5-7 mark a significant turning point in your hair transplant recovery journey. Here's what you can expect:

  • Resuming Hair Washing: With your doctor's approval, you can resume washing your hair following the specific instructions and recommendations provided earlier. Remember, if you encounter any unexpected situations during hair washing, don't hesitate to contact your doctor for guidance.
  • Itching and Tingling: Itching and a slight burning sensation are common starting around day 5. These sensations are often indicators of healing and should be tolerable. If the itching or burning becomes unbearable, consult your doctor about potential medication or a scalp-moisturizing cream to alleviate the discomfort.
  • Gradual Return to Activity: Following your doctor's approval, you can gradually resume your regular physical activities and sports after the first 5 days. It's crucial to listen to your body and avoid strenuous activity that could disrupt the healing process.

Key Takeaway: Days 5-7 signify a period of increased self-care while gradually reintroducing activities into your routine. Continue to prioritize gentle hair washing and prioritize rest whenever possible. If you experience any discomfort beyond what was discussed, reach out to your doctor for personalized advice.


Months 2-3 After Hair Transplant: Witnessing New Growth and Addressing Potential Concerns

Months 2-3 mark an exciting phase in your hair transplant journey – the beginning of visible hair growth! Here's what you can expect:

  • Sprouting New Hair: The newly transplanted hair follicles will begin to sprout thin, vellus hairs. These fine hairs will gradually mature and thicken over the coming months.

  • Shock Loss: Some patients may experience a temporary phenomenon called shock loss, where existing hair in the surrounding area sheds. This is a normal part of the hair transplant process and doesn't signify transplant failure. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns, and continue with your regular scalp and hair washing routine to promote regrowth.
  • Sun Protection Remains Essential: While the initial healing period has passed, sun protection continues to be crucial. Limit prolonged sun exposure and wear a hat or cap when outdoors to safeguard your scalp and the newly transplanted hair.

Remember: Patience is key during this stage. It can take up to a year to see the full results of your hair transplant.


Months 4-6 After Hair Transplant: Accelerated Growth and Continued Care

Months 4-6 bring even more noticeable progress in your hair transplant journey. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Thicker Hair Growth: The newly transplanted hair will continue to grow, becoming progressively longer and thicker. You'll likely witness a significant improvement in overall hair density.
  • Completion of Growth Cycle: While all transplanted hair follicles should be actively growing by this stage, they haven't yet reached their final thickness or length. It's important to maintain patience as your hair continues to mature.
  • Partial Head Coverings: When venturing outdoors, consider using a soft bandana, loose-fitting hat, or umbrella to provide shade for your scalp.

Remember: Consistent aftercare and sun protection remain important during this phase. Following your doctor's instructions and prioritizing gentle scalp care will contribute to optimal hair growth and long-lasting results.


Months 6-12: Witnessing Transformation and Styling Freedom

Months 6-12 mark a period of significant transformation and the joy of witnessing your hair transplant's full potential unfold. Here's what you can expect:

  • Accelerated Growth and Styling Versatility: The transplanted hair continues its growth spurt, becoming noticeably stronger, longer, and denser. By this stage, you'll have the freedom to style your hair as desired, allowing you to explore new looks and regain confidence in your appearance.
  • Improved Hair Quality: You might observe a noticeable change in the texture and overall health of your hair strands. The transplanted hair follicles will continue to mature, integrating seamlessly with your existing hair.

12th-18th Months: Celebrating Your New Look and Long-Term Results

By the 12-18 month mark, you've reached the pinnacle of your hair transplant journey – the final result! Here's what you can celebrate:

  • Thriving Hair and Renewed Confidence: Congratulations! You've achieved the desired outcome of a thicker, fuller head of hair. Enjoy the newfound confidence and freedom that comes with a successful hair transplant.
  • Long-Term Hair Health: The transplanted hair follicles are genetically programmed to grow continuously, much like your existing hair. With proper care, you can expect to enjoy healthy, natural-looking hair for life.

Remember: While the final results are achieved by 18 months, consistent hair care practices remain essential. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage stress effectively, and consult your doctor for personalized advice to ensure the long-term health and vitality of your hair.



Dreaming of a thicker, fuller head of hair? Hair transplants in Turkey have become a popular option for achieving natural-looking results at an affordable cost. PlaSurgery is a reliable online platform that connects you with experienced hair transplant surgeons in Turkey.

This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of what to expect throughout the hair transplant journey, from pre-operative preparation to recovery. Remember, thorough research and clear communication with the clinic are vital for a successful outcome.

Explore PlaSurgery's website to learn more about hair transplant procedures offered by their partner surgeons in Turkey. You can access valuable resources like FUE & DHI technique explanations, surgeon qualifications, patient experiences, before and after photos, and potentially even schedule a free consultation to determine if a hair transplant in Turkey aligns with your hair restoration goals.

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